Welcome to /Y22

Jiri Mocicka
3 min readFeb 10, 2022


GIVE™ — We listen to our audience carefully.
GIVE™ — We listen to our audience carefully.

Many of you might wonder whether this year will be better than the previous one or if we are stacked in reverse pandemic driven anxiousness. Personally, physically, health and work-wise, year 21 showed that we can work in the pandemic.

After a thorough observation of google analytics from Y21, I’ll be making some changes to improve the messaging and the overall communication from Gestalt Interactive — GIVE™, Design at Scale™ — DaS™ and 9.Ventures.

GIVE™ — We aligned with their ambitions and desires.
GIVE™ — We aligned with their ambitions and desires.

Introducing GIVE™

The previous website reported 10k visits over the last three years without newsletter, propagation, or direct marketing, yet I still have a few things to improve. It becomes obvious that we need to update the platform and the overall offerings.

The new website Gestalt Interactive will grow consistently and offer a different grade of information. I am streamlining core offering into four key pillars; basic about followed by the process, case studies, manifest landing at grid publication representing the playground in the form of a blog.

Also, the case studies will get a new coat with a focus on design operation, integration and overall impact on the business. A more detailed (production/ delivery-led) version will be moved on to Behance.

GIVE™ — We prepare the right content to kelp y’all to deliver better design work.
GIVE™ — We prepare the right content to kelp y’all to deliver better design work.

Introducing DaS™

This also allowed us to distil the Design at Scale™ method that became the underlying backbone of our recent operations. Now I think it deserves to become an independent design hub. Our ten years of research has proven that design can significantly impact the business well-executed and integrated at the very heart of the organisation from the very beginning.

This covers agencies, startups, small businesses and big corporations. It’s a natural growth, a self-regulated mechanism that allows every business to grow to thrive in the area of their expertise. Design at Scale Hub will inform you about the method and practical examples in the design field.

The Academy

bringing three different programmes in the form of coaching sessions focusing predominantly on product design delivery in the context of your own business. Programmes are designed for both individuals and teams.

The Grid

a regularly updated publication defined by four sub-sections focusing on stories and case studies from the industry where the method helped and delivered profound impact.

The Method

Twenty years of research distilled in one comprehensive method for growing design teams adequate implementation of design function in your organisation.

Figma Marketplace

allowing all designs to get hands-on the reusable materials for their design session and practices explaining the basic principles and methods.

Stay tuned; thanks for reading!
Thanks to all contributors, especially
Matt Press, for their insight and comments shaping this very article.

Jiri Mocicka is a London-based designer, writer, and design coach passionate about Design at Scale. A flexible method that allows designers professionals to integrate the value of design within their organisation through transparency and well-communicated product design development.
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